Member Testimonials

What members and others say about AGC of Missouri is the best way to understand and fully appreciate the value our association has to offer. Companies, individuals and the commercial construction industry as a whole benefit in so many different ways from the work we do on their behalf.  

AGC of Missouri's strong, well-respected presence and voice at the state level allows us to work closely with elected and appointed officials on what is in the best interest of our membership. On a national scale, all Chapter members benefit from their affiliation with AGC of America by receiving broader access to services, resources and activities. Our many outreach efforts into communities throughout Missouri introduce young people to our industry as a possible career choice and provide both financial and volunteer support for worthy charitable initiatives.

Our company utilizes many services of the AGC including safety training, construction education classes, MBE/WBE assistance, labor contracts and information as well as keeping us informed about industry trends, advances and challenges.  The legislative work done behind the scenes is invaluable to us and the industry.  Our membership is a bargain considering all of the industry related help we receive.  

Michael Perry, President
H.B.D. Construction, Inc.

The access to the resources and dedicated staff of the AGC of Missouri has proven to be a valuable asset to our company. Without a doubt, the time and resources that icon invests in the AGC of Missouri is time well-spent. 

It has been my privilege to serve on several committees & boards and have attended many of your events.  Your staff is always professional and offers excellent solutions to the issues facing our industry today. 
The value of our membership far exceeds our efforts and expectations.

Steve Faust
icon Mechanical Construction & Engineering, LLC

The safety training that AGC of Missouri provides has saved many companies a lot of money in insurance and claims and more importantly construction workers' lives. This has saved companies money.

Amy Boschert
Wiegmann & Associates